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Dairy is Scary

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These are the images that were rotated on electronic billboards at the U of A and Bay LRT stations. We also had a number of outdoor billboards around the city. Our aim is to encourage you to view this video to see for yourself just how scary dairy really is.

Please take five minutes to watch this video and then decide if you want to support the cruel, deceitful and unhealthy dairy industry.

Why Dairy is Scary - Articles and Video Links

If you want to learn more about what harmful ingredients are found in milk and dairy products and how they affect your body and  your health, read the following article and watch these videos. The first one is a full TED talk by Dr. Neal Barnard called "What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know":

The cow - calf connection:

The Altzheimer - Dairy connection:

The following is a link to an article called "How Dairy Affects Your Hormones".

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