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Reports and Affidavits
Affidavit, Dr. Philip K. Ensley. 2010
Affidavit, Dr. William Keith Lindsay. 2010
Affidavit, Dr. Joyce Poole. 2010
Affidavit, Dr. Mel Richardson. 2010
One Veterinarian's Searchfor the Truth in the "Lucy the Elephant" Debate. 2009,
Dr. Debi Zimmermann
Welfare Assessment of the Elephant Lucy. 2009, S. Varma
Elephants in Zoos, a Dead End. 2008, Tove Reece, Dianne Charkiw
The Sad State of Captive Elephants in Canada. 2006, Winnie Kiiru
In Defense of Coyotes. 2001, Tove Reece
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